The Non-Date From Hell

Onion Rings

(I swear this is all I wanted.)

There are all kinds of people who are “accepted for who they are.”  Even Charles Manson had people who “accepted him for who he was.”  He continued to hang around these people who “accepted him for who he was,” in part, because he could treat them any way he chose to since they allowed him to do so.  Doesn’t mean it was right.  It just means he found people that let him treat them that way.  At what point do you say, “Hey, this is really WHO this person is and I know I deserve WAY better than this—especially when you’ve HAD way better than that before?”

I have gone out from time-to-time with gentlemen suitors on occasion that run the gamut of all nationalities, shapes, and sizes with ages ranging from 20’s through 60’s.  I mean, I don’t discriminate—if you’re nice, you’re nice.

But the men vs. women world can fascinate me at times and I’d LOVE for anyone to give me their honest opinions on this because I, for the life of me, can’t figure it out.  And, by all means, if you think there may be something wrong with my way of thinking—please feel free to let me know or explain your side of it to me.  I’m all ears and won’t take offense.

Three weeks ago, I had two different dates lined up with two different people:

A.  The first guy—I had formally met just the day before the date and is someone in his mid-20’s and from a foreign country.  He told me he remembered me from a whole year ago when I made a brief stop at a store he worked at part-time but I hadn’t really seen him since.  He told me every item of clothing I had worn that day when I came into the store and it triggered my memory.

Long story short—he called me the very next day and wanted to go for a run in a park that afternoon.  The weather was beautiful, people were all over the park, and I thought it was an awesome first-date type thing to do—with the exception that we decided to walk around the park because I get winded too quickly.  Seriously?  Run?!  Who are we kidding?  Let’s get real.

Two hours later we parted ways when he had to go to work and only 15 minutes later after he arrived at work he was kind enough to call to thank me for meeting him out.  A SIMPLE AND UNCOMPLICATED DATE, I TELL YOU!

B.  The second guy—I have known for a few years and is much older and in his mid-50’s.  I’ve been out with him several times before—off and on. It’s nothing serious and we’ve talked on the phone many times.  He always asks me what types of things I like.  Since he doesn’t like to “guess” what a woman likes—he’d prefer women tell him straight out.  So I’ve done this on several occasions.  I’ve also mentioned things I like or want to do even when he doesn’t ask me what I like.  He’s generally smart enough and pays attention.


Continue reading “The Non-Date From Hell”

Chicken Bacon Cheddar Philly

Chicken Philly Sandwich

Made with chicken, bacon, cheddar cheese, onion, peppers, and ranch dressing; served with onion rings.

Today was a bright, beautiful, sunny, and fabulous day!  Though I didn’t have the highway all to myself today, I enjoyed my drive nonetheless as I was on my way to enjoy some much-needed girl time.  With drinks, lunch, and a good game today—how could I go wrong?

I tried something new on the menu today—a chicken bacon cheddar philly sandwich.  Once I smothered the ranch dressing all over it, I pretty much devoured the entire thing.  It was that good!

So, if you have nothing else to do today, have a day out with friends and try a chicken philly sandwich out on the town or get creative and make yourself one at home.

Take-Away Life Lesson:  There’s nothing like introducing yourself to a variety of new menu items that pop up out of nowhere.

The World Cup Excitement!

I just love, love, love when the World Cup rolls around every four years!  I actually wish we could enjoy it every year—I mean, four years is a long time to wait for the World Cup to roll around each time.  Geez!

But when it does—I’m all over it!  There’s so much excitement and adrenaline going all around.  I love it!  And to think it goes on for an entire month!  I turn into a crazy person hooping and hollering all over the place jumping up and down—some of you would never claim me as your own.

These are times you have to plan your days off work so you can watch the games “live”—because, God forbid, you hear about what happened before you’ve had a chance to watch the game you taped before you get home.  That’s the worst part, trying to avoid the media and people around you talking about it when you haven’t even seen it yet!  So to avoid that problem—it’s much better to watch the games “live”—and it’s more fun that way anyway.

I always hope the USA and England are two of the top 32 countries that make it to the World Cup to begin with—and, if so, I’ll start by following them.  If and when the teams I follow drop off, I’ll start “picking” other teams to follow that I’d like to see win.

Sometimes it’s hard choosing because though I like to see the top playing “well-known” teams win, I also sometimes root for the underdog because those teams hardly ever win anything and aren’t as “popular.”  I start feeling bad for them sometimes.  It’d be amazing to see a small, lesser-known country beat a popular top-playing country that always seems to win.  But I’m always USA and England first and foremost.

So far, I’ve been going to local sports bars to watch the games so I can enjoy some fabulous eating as well.  As you can see, there was no shortage of food around me—and you know how I love being surrounded by food!

I’ll let the pictures speak for themselves.  It was a vision of loveliness.

So, if you have nothing else to do today, pick a team you’d like to see win and follow them throughout the World Cup.  If they drop off the map, pick your next favorite team and follow them.  Keep doing this till the very end.  You may be overly surprised by how much you actually enjoy the World Cup even if you’ve never been a big fan.

Take-Away Life Lesson:  When you act like a crazy person over the games, your friends, family, and co-workers may not claim you as their own—especially if they don’t “get” what all the fuss is about.  But WHO CARES?!!  You’re enjoying life, BABY!

Oh, That Sports Bar Food
A New Sports Bar In Town
Game Day Spirit
A World Cup Watch Party
How I Love A Good Game
When Manchester United Came To Town
When David Beckham Came To Town