Costco Pizza Is Crazy Good

Cheese Pizza from Costco

Don’t ask me why, but Costco pizza is SOOOOOO freaking delish!  After I get out of the checkout lane, I have to pass the eating area where they serve all the good eatins before I can even get to the exit.  (Well, that’s a set-up if I ever saw one.)

Now, if there’s not a long line, I’ll grab myself a slice of pizza goodness on the way out.  I don’t know why I have to have one all the time.  But, let’s consider the fact that I’m always starving at the time that I’m shopping at a Costco.  I don’t know why—I just am.

And, as per usual, once I got inside the car—I set up the area next to me like a dining table for my pizza.  (I gotta be ready for drivin’.)  Clearly, I didn’t learn my lesson from the bread pudding dining.  But I tore that sucker UP!  It only made it 5 blocks.

So, if you have nothing else to do today, have a go at a Costco pizza.  But it’s not worth the $55 membership just for pizza—unless you plan to get one all day eryday!

Take-Away Life Lesson:  Don’t worry if you’re not a Costco member—just make like you’re ‘with’ the people walking in the front door that have a membership card.  As long as you’re ‘with’ somebody that has a card—you don’t need one.  Once you’re indoors, YOU’RE HOME FREE!  RUN TO THE PIZZA LINE!  You don’t need a Costco card to purchase pizza—thank the heavens!

Love That Costco Shopping
Double Danish
Churro Churro
Your Car Is Not A Dining Table

It's Angel Food Cake—Not A Hot Dog

Angel Food Cake

So, I buy one of those big round angel food cakes they sell in grocery stores.  Yeah, I sliced it down the middle for one serving.  Naturally, I didn’t think it was that big a deal.  It’s SO light-weight, after all.  How do you get full from a tiny slice of this?!  I knew I’d be going for 2nds and 3rds anyway.  It’s air, for Pete’s sake!

So, I innocently put the one-half piece inside a paper towel and proceeded to walk around eating it similar to how you’d eat a hot dog—you know, direct mouth contact.  Of course I didn’t think much of it at the time.  I guess I was eating it as if it was something natural to do—clearly unaware of my immediate surroundings.

Well, a dear friend happened upon me while I was eating and the next thing I heard was, “DDDAAAAANNNNGGGGG!!  I thought you had a loaf of bread in your hand!”  (Talk about making somebody feel bad and like a pig—but clearly not bad enough to stop me.)

So, if you have nothing else to do today, look at the label first and maybe slice an angel food cake into the number of recommended serving sizes the manufacturer thinks it should serve.  Do this if for no other reason than appearances sake if others are around.  BUT if you’re by yourself—it’s on and poppin’.  Who cares?

Take-Away Life Lesson:  Stop eating in front of people unless you can clearly eat like their ‘kind.’

Did I Really Just Eat All That?

Is There A Perfect Checkout Lane Anywhere On Earth?

Express Checkout Lane
This is clear as day to me!

Well, this is a recurring theme in my life that doesn’t look like it’s going to end anytime soon.  Can I ever just get into a perfect check-out lane?  Apparently NOT ever!

Are we all reading the same signage here?!!  I purposely got into this line because it’s the speedy lane—you know, the (insert # here) items or less lane!  In this case, it’d be TWELVE (12).  Let’s just spell it out AND put the numeric value there to make it clear to everyone!

And, of course, I have a couple of heavy milk jugs in my hands weighing me down.  But, OH NO.  I’m convinced the only reason the lane ain’t moving ‘expressly‘ is because ‘yours truly’ got into this line.  Yeah, that’d be me.  So let the fun begin!

I was clearly irritated because this is now no longer an express lane.  And if I dare get outta line now, low and behold, I’ll end up in an even worse line.  And since I now had plenty of time on my hands what do you think I did next?  Oh, yeah, baby—count!  By the time they were finished there were 31 items!

And, no, the cashier didn’t say anything to the offenders.  Now, I’ve been in checkout lanes where the cashier will read you the riot act right and left and make you high-tail it outta line if she sees you have way too many items (and it’s amusing, to say the least—especially if the cashier’s inner thug comes out)—but that wasn’t the case here.

Now finally after an eternity—we’re gettin’ close, it’s almost my turn, YAY—well, don’t get too happy, girl!  Now we gotta problem with the payment!  AAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!

So, if you have nothing else to do today, let’s all learn some basic reading and math skills.  How ’bout it?

Take-Away Life Lesson:  31 – 12 = 19 for Pete’s sake!

Preparing For The Storm
Why, Why, Why Do I Always Pick The Wrong Line?

Rockin' The Strawberry Festival

Me arriving at the Strawberry Festival
Arriving at the Strawberry Festival

Oh, my!  I had such a fabulous time at the Strawberry Festival this year!

The weather was perfection and I got to the festival right before opening time.  I mean, I just have to be the one to get first dibs on any pickins I could possibly want to buy before they all get snatched up by anyone else that dares take them!  (I’m thuggish like that.)

And I absolutely LOVE being around this gorgeous Victorian mansion.  I love, love, love all things Victorian.  So I was a bit overwhelmed, as usual, just being in the vicinity of this stunning creature in all her glory.  I love me some beauty!

Now for the fun!  There were over 100 tents selling all sorts of things.  It was just one big garage sale for all!  I lucked out and found these absolutely beautiful heavy glass ‘objets d’art’ for dirt cheap.  Score for me!  And I didn’t even have to haggle.

Amazingly, there was another tent across the way selling glass objects that did not look as nice as these and that were of a much lighter weight when I picked them up—for FOUR (4) times the price!!  Kick rocks, dude.  I don’t think so.

They couldn’t possibly have known what the competition was selling.  I got all 3 of my heavy glass beauties for LESS THAN what the other tent was selling for just ONE light-weight glass bowl the same size.  Come on now.

Next up, the EATING PART!!  My FAVORITE part of the day.  The most exciting part of any day!  What can I possibly tell you about all the delicious strawberries I saw being served every which way you could possibly want!  Naturally, when I can’t decide which food item I want to eat more than another—I tend to get one of each.  Big ups to the ladies serving them!

So, if you have nothing else to do today, find out when a festival will be in your town again and make plans to attend and buy all sorts of objects and yummy eatings.  No festival anytime soon?  Take a tour of a beautiful historic Victorian mansion and transport yourself back in time.  Aahhh.

Take-Away Life Lesson:  Always window-shop and make mental notes of all 100 tents first BEFORE buying anything.  This is how you score big time for cheap.  Also, don’t be afraid to eat yourself into strawberry madness.

The Fun Of An Art Fair
A Wine Festival
Time For A Festival
A Beautiful Victorian Mansion
Is It Strawberry Pie Season?!