Preparing For The Storm


This bloke made me chuckle on my insides at my local grocery store.  Clearly his priorities are in order.

So yesterday evening I was out and about getting some last-minute grocery shopping done that I hadn’t been able to do the last few days.  I just wanted to grab a few things to make a recipe or two I came across.

Since we were predicted to have 236 feet of snow the next day (today), I had no choice but to make sure my shopping antics were done by yesterday evening.  I went to Whole Foods, Wal-Mart, and a local grocery store.

WHAT is the world coming to?!!  I couldn’t believe how empty all the shelves were when I got to Wal-Mart.  I really couldn’t figure out why they were out of so many items all over the place.  The bread shelves were pretty much cleared.  Since when is there NO bread?  At first I thought this particular Wal-Mart was going out of business or something.

Then it dawned on me—THE SNOWSTORM COMING IN.  Why is it that people like me that come to get a few things for the next couple days have to compete with people who are stockpiling for the end-of-the-world?!!  Why can’t folks just shop normally?!  THIS ISN’T THE FIRST TIME WE’VE GONE THROUGH THIS, PEOPLE!!  And can you bring me one of your 30 loaves of bread from your basket, please??!!!!!!!

Anyway, I hurry along and get out of the madness of Wal-Mart and went to the local grocery store down the way.  All around me were people with huge baskets full of food piled to the brim that they were carting around while shopping.

I mean, this is all I saw at all three stores.  Just people everywhere getting their last-minute shopping done and carts loaded.

Then I finally get into the checkout line at the local grocers and encountered the usual that I saw at both Wal-Mart and Whole Foods—lines of people, everyone stockpiling all kinds of food on the conveyor belts, and just waiting their turn in line.

While waiting my turn, I realize the guy in front me is so unlike everyone else.  It’s just a scenario I wasn’t expecting after the long day I’ve had shopping and seeing the same things all around me all night store-after-store.

He has no basket and puts a divider on the conveyor belt to separate his food from mine and I start putting my food on the belt when I notice:

With all the madness of the snowstorm coming in overnight and the hoarding of food everywhere—this man just wanted to make sure he had his one can of beer to get him through!

So, if you have nothing else to do today, prepare for your snowstorms or acts of nature accordingly and save some food for the less fortunate souls who can’t always shop early in the day.

Take-Away Life Lesson:  Clearly a can of beer is the only thing you need to tide you over through a snowstorm.  So let’s not PANIC next time, shall we!

Is There A Perfect Checkout Lane Anywhere On Earth?
Why, Why, Why Do I Always Pick The Wrong Line?