Heaven Or Torture?

Where in the WORLD was I even supposed to start in a place like this?!  Chocolaty heavenly loveliness was right before my eyes.   Well, you know how I usually roll—this is where my rule of thumb usually comes into play.

The hard part is reigning yourself back in from buying too many because—let’s face it—this is one of those stores where they price the chocolates as if they’re pure gold.  So the torture starts to kick in because you can’t really afford to get them all like you really want to.

And could it be more uncomfortable and torturous than when I had to ask for the chocolates by name?!  “Yeah, give me a Loco-Moco-Choco and a Choco-Rock and two Cocoa-My-Chocos, a Java High Mountain Toffee, a Milk Lover, a Mocha Radiance Blitz Bar, and a Luscious Caramello Butterscotch Marble Swirl Sensation.”  Are you kidding me??

So, if you have nothing else to do today, love on some chocolate goodness and let some chocolate goodness love on you.

Take-Away Life Lesson:  Giant dark sunglasses can always help if you want to remain a tad inconspicuous while choosing and saying your chocolate names out loud in a public forum.

My Rule Of Thumb
Chocolate Love In A Furniture Store?!