Heaven Or Torture?

Where in the WORLD was I even supposed to start in a place like this?!  Chocolaty heavenly loveliness was right before my eyes.   Well, you know how I usually roll—this is where my rule of thumb usually comes into play.

The hard part is reigning yourself back in from buying too many because—let’s face it—this is one of those stores where they price the chocolates as if they’re pure gold.  So the torture starts to kick in because you can’t really afford to get them all like you really want to.

And could it be more uncomfortable and torturous than when I had to ask for the chocolates by name?!  “Yeah, give me a Loco-Moco-Choco and a Choco-Rock and two Cocoa-My-Chocos, a Java High Mountain Toffee, a Milk Lover, a Mocha Radiance Blitz Bar, and a Luscious Caramello Butterscotch Marble Swirl Sensation.”  Are you kidding me??

So, if you have nothing else to do today, love on some chocolate goodness and let some chocolate goodness love on you.

Take-Away Life Lesson:  Giant dark sunglasses can always help if you want to remain a tad inconspicuous while choosing and saying your chocolate names out loud in a public forum.

My Rule Of Thumb
Chocolate Love In A Furniture Store?!

A Burger Joint With Friends


Cheeseburger made with Worcestershire sauce, stuffed American cheese, lettuce, and mayonnaise.

If you’ve never had a plumpalicious burger stuffed with cheese in the middle that clearly oozes out cheesiness with every bite, well—you’re missing out on a good portion of life.

There’s nothing like going to lunch with some friends to a burger joint you’ve never tried before.  I get such joy in trying out new things—especially when food is involved.  I must say, I had a marvelous time, too.  The menu was full of a variety of assortment of very descriptive burgers—that it was almost impossible to decide which one to go with.

Oh, they served other things on the menu too—but they’re known for their burgers so I figured I’d give a burger a whirl.  And, BOY, did I choose a good one!  I was so deeply involved in my burger I couldn’t even talk amongst friends.

So, if you have nothing else to do today, become one with a fantastic burger at a burger joint near you—and preferably with some friends.

Take-Away Life Lesson:  Learn to multitask and acknowledge your friends at the table while at the same time admiring your burger.

Houston’s Veggie Burger
Red Robin Burger
Five Guys Burger Love
Fries In A Basket
Why Did This Burger Leave Me???

Baked Desserts From That New Cafe

Baked Desserts

Toffee Cookie, Cinnamon Crumb Muffin, Brownie, Pumpkin Bread, Chocolate Chip Cookie, Maple Pecan Bar, Lemon Pound Cake, Chocolate Baby Bundt Cake

There’s nothing like stopping by my new hometown cafe for nothing other than loading up on a lot of baked desserts all for myself.  I’ll tell you—that Corner Bakery Cafe isn’t getting rid of me anytime soon.  Everything looked so fantastic that it was hard to choose—so let’s just start loading up with one of each so our brains don’t have to think that hard.

When I finally got home, I arranged them out all nice and pretty on a couple of plates so I could look at them for brief spell.

Ohhh, where to start, where to start???

So, if you have nothing else to do today, rise and shine early and go grab a variety of fresh-baked lovin’ straight from the oven from your local bakery, cafe, or diner.

Take-Away Life Lesson:  There’s nothing like starting your day off right with fresh-baked desserts.

Ooooo—A New Hometown Cafe!

Let's Learn How To Hover, People!

Computer Monitor

Talk about the bane of my existence.  I have lots of banes in life and, I have to say, this is right up there!  This makes no sense whatsoever and is totally UNCALLED FOR and unnecessary.

I always dread when someone has to come to my desk and discuss something or show me something that refers back to something on my computer screen.  Why, you ask?  Because people don’t know how to HOVER properly anymore!

I’m always just fine right up until that moment they decide to whip their index finger out and POINT towards something near the computer screen in their discussions of explaining something to me.

Once your finger inches nearer to my computer screen or, perish the thought, TOUCHES it—well, you can pretty much stop talking at that point about whatever it is you’re trying to tell or show me.  Let’s get real—I have totally tuned you out at that point.

The only thing I can NOW focus on is your FINGER while I grit my teeth trying to refrain myself from slapping your finger back so it doesn’t get fingerprints all over my IMMACULATELY CLEAN COMPUTER SCREEN!!!!!!!!!!

Everything you THINK I’m listening to that you’ve come to my desk to tell or show me—my brain has completely tuned out because all I can do is focus on your finger while hoping you don’t get any closer to the screen.  And then once you’ve actually TOUCHED my screen, all I can focus on are the smudges going across it.

Now I’m getting antsy in my chair because I’m watching this madness unfold before me while hoping you reign that finger back in yourself so there won’t be any complications and repercussions for you to suffer later.

So at this point I’ve pretty much blocked out everything you’re currently saying because I’m too busy concentrating on your blatant disregard for what was my clean computer screen!!—and the fact that I can’t wait until you leave my area so I can once again wipe it down!

I mean, for Pete’s sake, at least if I have to point at your computer screen to “show” you something, I know how to “HOVER” and keep my finger a good 2 inches away from actually touching your screen.  But do I get the same respect???—NO!  See I figure you’re a smart cookie and can clearly see the general area I’m referring to without my actually having to touch your screen!!

All you have to do is hover in the general area while keeping your distance and I can clearly see what you’re talking about!!!  I can pretty much figure it out.  Man, I’m a brilliant individual!!  It doesn’t take a lot of smarts for that.  After all, my eyeballs are right there.

So, if you have nothing else to do today, learn how to hover in a general direction without actually touching whatever it is you’re referring to and without getting too close to it.

Take-Away Life Lesson:  If you need me to concentrate on what you’re actually saying to me when you’re near my computer—it’s best to either keep your distance from it altogether or just save your breath, stop talking, and walk away once your finger is within an inch or less of my computer screen.  Once we both regroup ourselves, you can try again later.

What A Time Suck