Homemade Dessert Goodness

Butterscoth Apple Crisp
Butterscotch Apple Crisp

Made with Granny Smith apples, butterscotch chips, light brown sugar, flour, ground cinnamon, ground allspice, juice of a lemon, butter, quick oats, salt, and chopped pecans; served with butter pecan ice cream.

OH – MY – WORD!  Talk about yummy fabulousness!  I absolutely loved this Butterscotch Apple Crisp so much I made it several times over within a matter of weeks.  It’s what I do when I love something and it disappears too quickly.  Now whether it disappearing quickly is my fault alone or several other people’s fault that have shared this with me is up for debate.

But if sweetness isn’t your thing, don’t bother.  It’s yummy sweet!  I always throw in some extra butterscotch chips when I make this.  I mean, the butterscotch combined with the Granny Smith apples and the crispness of it all—oooohhhh, manAnd then to have the nerve to serve it with Butter Pecan Ice Cream—HEAVEN!  Say it with me now.

It’s hard to share something like this when you realize you can only get 2 or 4 slices out of it.  That the pan is a 3-quart 9″ x 13″ is neither here nor there.  It’s all in how you decide to slice it up.

Who came up with what a serving size should look like anyway?  My serving sizes NEVER look the same as what the so-called “experts” say a serving size is.  They really need to rethink that whole thing.

Peach Cobbler
Peach Cobbler

Made with sliced peaches, almond liqueur, nutmeg, brown sugar, corn starch, flour, granulated sugar, salt, baking powder, butter, buttermilk, and egg white.

Moving on to the Peach Cobbler.  Wow!  I loved this, too!  The almond liqueur is what sets it off.  And, as per usual, I could only see getting 2-4 servings out of this at the most.  So share as you see fit.

If you ever need:

  • a way out of a traffic ticket
  • a way to get a man or a woman
  • a discount on your groceries
  • front row concert seats
  • a job promotion
  • free gas refills for your car
  • to prevent someone from shooting you

THIS IS THE WAY TO GO, my peeps!!  Always keep a slice of this peachy bad boy on you for situations such as these and you’re good-to-go!

Five-Layer Bars
Five-Layer Bars

Made with graham cracker crumbs, melted butter, chopped pecans, butterscotch chips, semisweet chocolate chips, shredded coconut, and sweetened condensed milk.

These Five-Layer Bars were ok to me but I didn’t really want a lot of this.  Kids would probably like it more than I did.  It was good, but not good enough for me to keep the recipe in my permanent recipe binder that I have going.

If a recipe can get a permanent spot in ‘the binder’, it’s doing pretty good—because that means I think it’s fabulous enough to keep and make again one day.

So, if you have nothing else to do today, definitely make yourself some of that Butterscotch Apple Crisp and Peach Cobbler because you’re really missing out on life if you don’t.  (See the links above for the recipes.)  And if that’s not your thing, just head towards the kitchen and make any dessert you’d might like to have or try.  Most importantly, don’t be afraid to keep the whole 9″ x 13″ tray for yourself.

Take-Away Life Lesson:  Where one person sees getting 20 servings out of a dish to serve—another may see only 2 or 3 servings coming out of it.

A Peachy Breakfast