Baked Desserts From That New Cafe

Baked Desserts

Toffee Cookie, Cinnamon Crumb Muffin, Brownie, Pumpkin Bread, Chocolate Chip Cookie, Maple Pecan Bar, Lemon Pound Cake, Chocolate Baby Bundt Cake

There’s nothing like stopping by my new hometown cafe for nothing other than loading up on a lot of baked desserts all for myself.  I’ll tell you—that Corner Bakery Cafe isn’t getting rid of me anytime soon.  Everything looked so fantastic that it was hard to choose—so let’s just start loading up with one of each so our brains don’t have to think that hard.

When I finally got home, I arranged them out all nice and pretty on a couple of plates so I could look at them for brief spell.

Ohhh, where to start, where to start???

So, if you have nothing else to do today, rise and shine early and go grab a variety of fresh-baked lovin’ straight from the oven from your local bakery, cafe, or diner.

Take-Away Life Lesson:  There’s nothing like starting your day off right with fresh-baked desserts.

Ooooo—A New Hometown Cafe!

49 thoughts on “Baked Desserts From That New Cafe

  1. Lol. You sound like me when I encounter a good bread selection. I just stand/sit, observe and wonder how to begin the bread massacre. It really is a science and when you don’t understand that it takes tactical discussions between your stomach, hands, eyes and brain…you’ll never grasp why someone like you arranged them upon arriving home. But I get it…I get it 100%.

    1. Lol! Oh, I didn’t abandon my “main source”. Never would I dream such a thing! I just had to try the new cafe out when it came to town. I like my other one better, but this one is pretty good too. 🙂

  2. Okay so I’m scrolling through the WordPress reader thing, catching up on my favourite blogs and then I go past this one and just burst out with a giant laugh. I didnt even have to look at the name, I knew it was you. Cleaning out the bakery. I love your blogs, thank you so much lolol

  3. In Lagos, my family and I have a routine: after church we go to our local bakery and we went there this morning. I got a lovely lil’ box of baked treats which I’ll be munching on all week. Well, I tend to eat them quickly so they’ll probably be gone by the end of the day. Looks like you got some yummy treats yourself!

  4. love nothing more than those independent cafes, coffee shops, etc. Thanks for sharing your finds 🙂

  5. Sooooo – where DID you start? I’ll whisk away that lemon pound cake, if you don’t guard it closely! I have plenty of raspberries to put on it! ;->

    Virtual hugs,


    1. Yeah, that chocolate one could not be passed up. I guess I could give up a small portion just because it’s you, Ralph.

  6. We need to get you into some styling plates/baskets and or wrap clothes for your food photography. ^_^ The baked goods sure do look delicious.

  7. Those do look awfully good! There’s nothing like a plateful of tasty plumper-uppers to keep the day moving along smoothly 🙂

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