Gouda Fries

Gouda Fries

Well, I went back to the same burger joint where I got a ‘basket’ of fries before—and by ‘basket’ I mean shopping cart.

I plopped myself right up to the bar and perused the menu—and low and behold therein lied a new menu item.  I just love when new items are put onto menus.  It gives me the opportunity to try something new.

These lovelies were called Gouda Fries made with hand-cut fries, smoked gouda, apple-wood smoked bacon, and green onions; served with chipotle aioli sauce & sweet ketchup.  Oh, my word!

So, if you have nothing else to do today, locate some place that can make you a big fat plate of gouda fries—and if not, make them yourself.

Take-Away Life Lesson:  You’ll never be able to eat just one of these fries.

Fries In A Basket

16 thoughts on “Gouda Fries

  1. Gouda, especially smoked, is vastly underutilized. Melted onto a seedy bun and topped with a burger . . . and a plethora of green chilis. The fries would be a perfect accompaniment! Yum!

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