It Was A Murder Mystery Night

Murder Mystery Dinner

This was definitely a night I’ll never forget.

Let me start by saying, a friend and I decided to go to a murder mystery dinner since we had never been to one before.  I love trying things I’ve never experienced before so I was all for it.

The first thing that threw us off guard was the location of this place.  We didn’t really pay much attention to it until after we purchased the tickets.  The cross streets threw us off a little because neither of us could figure out what was in that location other than old buildings in the “rough” part of town.

Come to find out, we were right!  Omg.  I’ll never know how they can get people to come to this location in the first place other than the fact that these people don’t all know about this part of town—until they get there and it’s too late by the time they realize it.

Homeless shelter.

There’s a homeless shelter across the street one way and there’s a park across the street the other way where the drunks and crack-heads mingle.  It’s definitely a part of town I wouldn’t think to go to for a dinner theater.

On the night of the dinner, the amazing part was when I pulled into the parking lot behind the building where the dinner was held and saw the cars and people all fancied up in suits, ties, and dresses—but look directly across the street and you see a complete contrast.  WHAT?!  Two different worlds side-by-side.

Don’t get me wrong—I’m not opposed to the homeless shelter—and the drunks and crack-heads have a right to mingle where they want to.  I just didn’t expect to pay so much for a dinner ticket to a play in this area in an abandoned building turned into a dinner room that looked like a big warehouse of a bingo hall.

When we arrived there, we all waited in line to get our picture taken in 1950’s-style accessories they dolled us up into since it was a 50’s-themed play.  But they weren’t going to charge us 50’s-themed prices for the pictures though!!  They seriously were selling the photos for $20 a piece after the show was over.  I could have had someone take a picture for me with my digital camera for free!

And don’t get me started on the food!

I don’t have a clue almighty what in the world I was eating.  (Anything you see in quotes is strictly because I still don’t know if you can even call it that!)

  • Let’s start with the “bread basket”—a loaf of generic bread sliced down the middle.  Seriously?!   Did we really just pay for this?!

  • Let’s move on to the “second course”—the “salad & dressing.”  First of all, the dressing was in packets.  Packets, I say!  Where am I??????  To top it off, my favorite dressing only came in fat-free and the other two options didn’t look so appealing.  So I grabbed the fat-free Ranch and toppled it onto my salad.  Let’s just say the entire thing tasted like grass with water.  So I only ate one bite and I pushed it to the side.  Done.
  • By now I’m scared to see what the “main entrée” looks like.  A person came to “take our order” at our table.  I ordered “chicken parmigiana.”  CAN YOU SEE THE SLOP THEY BROUGHT OUT ON A PLATE TO MY TABLE!!  No way!  I can make a dinner plate at home better than that!  It tasted just like it looked, too.
The bread and salad I couldn’t bring myself to finish.

During this whole time, the “play” was going on.  I was completely lost as to what was happening at all.  We could barely hear them talking on the microphones.

This was an interactive “dinner theater.”  Each table was a team of 10 people.  I refused to be our team captain because I was so baffled as to where we were in the first place!  Someone else volunteered.

We were supposed to get up and ask questions and discuss the play with the other diners and the actors to find out “who dunnit.”  We could “bribe” the “actors” with fake money, too, for more information.

I didn’t get up to interact with anyone since I didn’t know what to ask anyway because I could barely hear anything that was going on or keep up with it all.  Come to find out—one clue was that the “killer” did not even know they were the “killer.”

My friend and I only stayed for two hours because we just couldn’t take it anymore.  We had no idea how long this play was going to last—so, needless to say, we never did find out who the “killer” was since we left early.  AND WE LEFT HUNGRY!!!

My friend and I did have some good laughs throughout the entire thing though because we just couldn’t believe the entire experience we just encountered from beginning to end.  All we could do was look at each other and laugh.  Let the good times roll!

So, if you have nothing else to do today, give a murder mystery dinner a try if you’ve never been to one before—especially if you like the interaction of trying to find out “who dunnit.”  You may come across a pretty decent one—and, if not, just laugh your way through it like we did.  At least it gets you out of the house.

Take-Away Life Lesson:  You never know what life is going to throw at you next, so try to find the humor in it all.

I Love Dinner And A Play

65 thoughts on “It Was A Murder Mystery Night

  1. $20…and they gave you supermarket bread and dressing in sachets. I’d demand a refund. Never mind a murder mystery, I’d call this an experience of daylight robbery. However you did at least try out something new, and the memories (the good ones anyways) are still worth something….and it was good they got everyone dressed for the theme.

    Here’s hoping your next murder mystery night out isn’t as limp as that chicken parmegianne what’s-it-called! 🙂


  2. I never have been to a murder mystery – though I use to love those old detective and mystery tv shows. So I might like it but am sorry to hear your experience was not too great. I greatly dislike when we go out and get a bad meal! I would also be concerned about going into a bad neighborhood since you just never know!! Maybe the next murder mystery will turn out better!!

  3. Reblogged this on dawnspitfire's blog and commented:
    A humorous story. ..this blogger did remind me of #DinnerTheater idea. My previous experience was sooo similar. BUT, she did remind me & I thought “what options do I have near me? Not including the one I tried!
    So I looked it up and I believe i found one that I (& family) would like. I mean…can they mess up a cowboy BBQ?
    So thank you 😀

        1. Try it. I’m sure they’re not all the same. Depends on who is running the company and how they choose to run it. Have fun if you go! 🙂

  4. There are few things worse while out eating, than being charged high-end prices for crap. Lol. I will gladly pay for something that is worth it. Bread sliced in half, dressing packets and food prepared by a toddler…they do not fall in the realm of elegance. Lol. You say you could not stay to figure out the “killer,” but from your explanation of the “food,” I am sure it was the “chef.”

    1. You are HILARIOUS! LOL. Such is my life. It did look like food prepared by a toddler come to think of it. I love your use of quotes above, too. Lol.

  5. Goodness that it just horrible! I would have been so upset! Honestly I don’t think I would have even gone into the event when I found out where it was located. Bravo for sticking it out for as long as you did! That food looks absolutely disgusting! At least you kept a positive attitude about it.

  6. Sounds absolutely terrible. And you managed to stay for two hours… guess you were “hoping” it would get better? Treat yourself to a movie next time… at least the popcorn can’t get that bad. 😀

  7. oh man…! I’ve always wanted to go to one of those, they sound so fun. Yours did NOT sound fun. That food looks like something they got from the homeless shelter too btw. Sorry it turned out so badly. At least you got to write about it, it’s awesome that I’m not the only one who takes pictures of stuff and who mentally writes my blog posts while I’m doing something that has the possibility to be disastrously bloggable.

    1. LOL. Oh, man. I never thought about the food coming from the homeless shelter. I know it didn’t, but still—it looked like it.

  8. Lol That sounds so fascinating even though it wasn’t exactly what you expected! It seems like a potentially amazing experience that would have been more effective/satisfying if it were planned/prepared better by the hosts. I never heard of a murder mystery dinner and would love to try one! I love trying new things also and even if they aren’t that great, I’m grateful for the experience it got me. I laughed out loud at some parts like the sloppy food that tasted how it looked and especially the killer not knowing s/he was the killer! Lol! I think no experience is wasted when you can have a good laugh about it! And the contrast with the “rich” looking people and “poor” looking people is interesting! It must have really been something amazing to see! I like your positive attitude about the whole thing! Some people would have been steaming over losing the time/money to something that did not meet their expectations! It’s great you can just laugh about it and share the laughs with others! Thanks for sharing! I definitely got a few chuckles! 😀

    1. Girlfriend, you have NO idea! Lol. You should definitely try one though. It was a spectacle to say the least. But, I like you, am grateful for the experience I never would have had otherwise as I’ve never been before. I was pretty much done when someone found out through “information gathering” that the killer didn’t know they were the killer. Oh, great. It was an accident then. Can they get more dramatic than THAT?! Geez. Make it more interesting. Yeah, we even laughed at the first bite of salad. I’m thinking “Is this really happening to us?” LOL. Good times, girl, good times!

  9. no dessert, then? probably better that way. Crazy that the food was so awful. But love that you don’t let the ugly stuff ruin your fun 🙂

    1. No way, lady! We heard a rumor the dessert was a birthday cake supposedly bought from a grocery store that they just sliced up. Omg. Didn’t have a desire to even see what dessert looked like. Lol.

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