My Trip To Chennai, India (Part 4)

Motorbiking around Chennai, India

If you haven’t noticed by now, India has a lot of motorbike riders.  Motorbikes are less expensive than cars which is why you’ll see them in abundance all over the streets of India.  We were able to borrow a bike from someone so I could briefly ride around town on one for fun.  I wasn’t too thrilled with the idea of NOT having a helmet on my head but I took a chance.  Even though I survived the ride with no problems, I highly suggest wearing helmets before getting onto a motorbike—especially with the crazy driving that goes on in India.

I also had the pleasure of being introduced to this little outdoor food stand called Vada Pav.  They make these tiny sandwiches for cheap and I absolutely LOVED them!  I could never get enough of them.  I could easily eat 6 of these on my own.  Depending on what you get, some of the sandwiches are a little spicier than others.

The next day, we tried a Mexican restaurant called Hola that had a view of the ocean somewhat.  I loved the food and ordered a little bit of everything because that’s what I do when I want to try as much as possible in one meal.  I figured why should I be any different in India than I am when I’m at home in the States.

Later than night, we went to beach and got our feet wet as the waves came crashing to shore.  It was dark though so you couldn’t really see much as you do during daylight.

There were also lots of food vendors at the beach and we stopped by one to get a rice & beans mixture of some sort that I was told is called pori kadali.

I have to say, I also believe I was the victim of sand fleas at some point.  A few days later my feet had red bug bites all over them and itched like crazy!  It looked disgusting—so I’ll spare you the visual.  But, my gosh, I couldn’t stop itching my feet all day.  It took days for the bites to go away after I came back home to the States.

There are quite a bit of entertainment vendors at the beach, too.  There was a man doing card tricks that had a hamster in one spot.  In another spot, I tried shooting balloons with a pellet gun and knocking several cans down with a ball.  I’m sure the cans were rigged in their favor (insert side-eye here).

As we were leaving the beach, we came upon a man trying to sell his handmade drums of some sort.  He tried to convince me to buy one, but I refused.  The very next day, on another side of town, would you believe we ran into the exact same man again and he tried to sell me a drum a second time?!  I mean, as big as India is—what are the odds we’d run into the same guy again randomly on another side of town?  I ended up buying one to take back home to the States with me—mostly because I couldn’t believe the odds.

Over the next day or two we went to a couple of dance clubs, tried a sweet shop, made Maggi noodles at home (which are the same as Ramen noodles), and then he took me to a jewelry store to buy me some tikas that I’ve always wanted to get.

I had a lot of fun enjoying myself in this country but my adventures in India were soon to come to an end.