I Love Seeing A Rainbow


It rarely happens but when it does I’m just in awe at the sight of a pretty rainbow—and this was HUGE one!  It looked even better when I was a few miles away on the highway because there was this fabulous view of the entire thing.  Wow!  As luck would have it, I was headed right for it bright and early on this particular morning.  I’m getting closer and closer.

But, of course, by the time I get where I’m going, park, and get out of the car—the rainbow is right there and the view is not the same.  So it doesn’t have quite the same effect when it’s all up in your face and then there are buildings and whatnot everywhere—because you can’t get an entire picture of it.  But what I did see was gorgeously pretty nonetheless.

So from this angle, I couldn’t get the entire rainbow on camera.  Naturally, from the highway further back it would have been a magnificent shot—but I wouldn’t suggest doing something like that.  It’s just a tad dangerous.

So, if you have nothing else to do today, head towards the nearest rainbow—or any beauty of nature, for that matter—and enjoy it every chance you get.

Take-Away Life Lesson:  There is no pot of gold at the end.  Don’t think I didn’t check.

The Beauty Of My Morning
Colorful Cloudy Skies

45 thoughts on “I Love Seeing A Rainbow

  1. Magical! Rainbows are glorious!! I took a photo of one recently and plan to use it sometime in a post. The photo didn’t turn out as colourful as it was in real life.

    Happy Friday my dear!!

    <3 carmen

  2. The other day I got to catch not just a single but a double rainbow, after the end of an intense half-hour storm. What makes this particularly special is this was at the Holiday World theme park, the logo for which is a rainbow, so it was like the most spectacular bit of park performance one could imagine.

  3. Taking pictures while driving is definitely not recommended. I’ve done it though. 🙂 It was a non-busy road.
    I rarely see rainbows. I wish to capture a good rainbow picture just like yours. The hues and the building gave it a cool touch to it. 😉

    1. Thanks, Rommel! I’ve taken pics like that before, too, but I was practically the only one on the road. I don’t recommend it either. I’m sending rainbows your way, Rommel. When they get there, take a picture! 🙂

  4. The first time I took a rainbow photo via my phone and showed my niece, she asked a question that made me laugh. One day we were driving by the exact location, as the rainbow photo. “Uncle Errol, how come we don’t see the rainbow?” LOL. I explained the photo was taken months prior and therefore doesn’t mean the rainbow will be present today or any other day after.

    1. The end I was near. It was way to far to go to the other end. I have to assume there would be one on both ends and not just one. 😉

  5. Pretty! And sorry for not commenting for a few weeks. Just put up my work around to be able to reach WordPress from China. That’s the Great Firewall for you. Catching up!

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