Snapchatting Life Away


Are there any other bloggers out there who Snapchat besides myself?  I mean, I would really like to find more snappers out there—particularly females who appreciate the ‘girly things’ in life.

But I’d also like to find both male and female bloggers that snap their food, fashion, life, and/or beauty products every now and again in real-time.

Although I can barely find time anymore for my blog and other social media accounts, I do manage to Snapchat quite a bit.  For me, it’s easier and quicker to do throughout the day.

I never thought I’d join the Snap world or become a Snapchatter because I avoided it like the plague for so long—but, after much prodding from someone, I finally downloaded the app to my phone and I became pretty addicted to it.  Who knew?

But either Snapchat isn’t very popular with a lot of people or I’m just having a hard time finding anyone’s Snap usernames to follow.  (Not everyone puts their snap names on their profiles.)  So if you have a snap name that I can follow, send me an email with your username or leave it in the comments below.

For those who don’t know much about Snapchat:

Continue reading “Snapchatting Life Away”

I Should Be Embarrassed

Cell Phone

It’s a sad, sad day when you’ve had your cell phone for three years and out of the blue your 5-year-old niece picks it up and shows you an easier way to turn your cell phone on and off that you never realized existed.

Well, not technically on and off—but you know how the screen on the phone goes into sleep mode and turns black to save the battery?  Well, that’s what I’m talking about.  She showed me how to bring the screen back up and make it go out a much easier way than I’ve been doing the last three years.

I don’t think I’m going to talk anymore about the subject because I’m embarrassed enough as it is.

So, if you have nothing else to do today, hand your high technology devices over to anyone 5-years-old or younger and just sit back and observe.

Take-Away Life Lesson:  Save yourself from a difficult life by consulting a group of toddlers on day ONE of acquiring any technical devices—NOT three years after you’ve been using them.

So I Guess I Need To Buy A Camera

Image of Consumer Reports Cameras

As you can probably tell, you need to buy an actual camera if you’re going to be a blogger.  Being at the mercy of my Android cell phone means taking at least 10 or more pictures of each object in the hopes that at least ONE of them will turn out clearer than all the others.  It’s pathetic—especially when I’m taking food pics.  It doesn’t go over so well.  The food is getting colder and colder and if there are people around I’m cooking for all I hear is ‘not pictures again, are you done yet, I’m hungry, when can we eat, the food’s getting cold.’  (They’re very rude guests.)

Now, it could just be my particular cell phone.  I have, after all, seen some fabulous pictures taken with cell phones.  So I’m sure I just need an upgrade.  But I still think an actual camera is the way to go if you’re going to be blogging for the world.  So, until then, you’ll just have to grin and bear the cell-phone-quality pics.  It’s all I have to work with for the time being.

In the meantime, I’m reviewing what Consumer Reports has to say about cameras.  This is my go-to source for all information anytime I think I’m going to spend big time money (usually anything over $1.75) on something.  After all, they went through all the trouble of doing all the legwork for me–saving me the money, time, energy, and effort of doing it myself.  The least I could do is analyze their research before plunking down huge sums of money on something just to have it fail on me in a year and trying to return it to no avail.  Granted, I can’t always review everything I need in CR before I purchase something—but I try to when I can.

So, if you have nothing else to do today, get to know Consumer Reports and buy yourself something new.

CR and I have an unbreakable bond that no one can tear apart.  I appreciate them like no other, they’ve always been there for me and haven’t failed me yet!  My heart is theirs.

Take-Away Life Lesson:  Subscribe to, thank, invite to dinner, write a love letter to Consumer Reports.

I Finally Got An Actual Camera