Freshly made City Market pumpkin bread.
I just love going to the City Market on Saturday mornings. If I don’t get anything else, I’m definitely coming home with a loaf of pumpkin bread.
Those lovely Amish farmers make it fresh for me every Saturday morning and I just love them for it.
As you can tell by the pictures, I devoured the entire loaf in a matter of minutes. I put it on the computer desk for the obvious reason of multitasking—to eat and work on the computer at the same time.
But for some reason I just couldn’t quite get that last bite down. I had to wait a while on that one.
So, if you have nothing else to do today, get yourself a freshly made loaf of pumpkin bread from the farmers at the market on Saturday mornings.
Take-Away Life Lesson: Nothing wrong with eating an entire loaf of pumpkin bread for yourself every once in a while.